Apple Buys Artificial–Intelligence Startup Emotient
In October, Apple confirmed that it had acquired another artificial-intelligence startup, VocalIQ Ltd., that aims to improve a computer's ability to understand natural speech. In May, Emotient announced that it had been granted a patent for a method of …
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Artificial Intelligence Finally Entered Our Everyday World
But 2015 is the year artificial intelligence technology took off in a big way in the real world. DuLight and the Google chatbot may be experiments, but Facebook's face recognition, Microsoft's Skype translation, and Google's Android voice recognition …
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Google chairman Eric Schmidt: Artificial intelligence platforms can 'change …
Former Google CEO Erich Schmidt has high hopes for artificial intelligence (AI), Bloomberg reports. The billionaire, who is now executive chairman of Google's parent company, Alphabet, delivered a talk in New York this week where he claimed AI has the …
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